Questions from Damone
/🌼🌸 Spring has Sprung! 🌸🌼
Can you believe it’s been a whole year since everything shut down? I mean... WHAT A YEAR! At times It seemed like the ball of gloom was literally chasing us down, and backing us into a corner. Just when we thought it couldn’t get worse, we would turn on the news, or check into our social media and there it was... more darkness.
Spring is a yearly reminder that just because things get dark, dry, cold and brittle, they eventually begin to gain color, hydration and warmth, and will bloom again in time.
2020 was no joke! I even heard someone say, “The pandemic has been so long, I got into and back outta shape.” I thought to myself recently, we haven’t even begun to experience the after effects psychologically that are surely around the corner, affecting each of us differently.
I don’t know about you, but I’m not adding another year to my age for 2020. That birthday didn’t count!
Slowly but surely, we seem to be coming out of the fog and back to a sense of some type of normalcy (whatever that means). Here in Los Angeles, we’ve been able to keep the Salon open since February. I don’t foresee another shut down, and now restaurants, gyms, theaters, etc. are opening at 25% capacity.
I always have my hand on the pulse of what’s going on by dealing with so many different clients daily, of every race, religion, social status and the like. We’ve reached a point where more people have been vaccinated that come in than have not. Myself included (Pfizer).
What I know for sure is that we can’t allow ourselves to go back to how things were before. We need to slow down and play just as hard as we work. They say history repeats itself, and we are about to enter our version of “the roaring twenties.”
What are you gonna do to honor your growth? What are you gonna do to give thanks to the Universe that you came through on the other side? What are you going to say to your loved ones, knowing that tomorrow is not promised for any of us? What does your personal future look like?
I’m taking deep breaths and remembering how important it is to exhale. I’m not allowing stress to become my friend. I’m reminding myself that my body is a temple and I need to honor it. I’m saying thank you to my higher power every morning the moment I open my eyes. And I’m staying in the present & remembering that love is all that really matters.
May you continue to blossom just like the flowers around you,
Damone Roberts
3 Basic Hacks For Bomb Quarantine Brows
/Many of us are still quarantined at home, and Salons are still closed in LA and a few other parts of the world. This is certainly not helping our eyebrow situation, as those buggers don't care about any type of pandemic—they just keep on growing! Hair actually grows faster in hot weather, so we've been getting a lot of frantic calls screaming HELP.
I wanted to share three basic tips to get you through in the interim. As we all wear face masks, the only thing visible is the most important, underestimated feature on your face—the eyebrows!
1. Brush Up
Brush up with The Damone Roberts Clear Brow Gel. The reason is this product will hold the brow hairs in place, and you can see exactly what you are working with. This is the only Clear Brow Gel on the market that does not flake or give an artificial appearance. It simply serves its purpose and holds.
2. Tweeze with Ease
Take your Damone Roberts Tweezers and tweeze (we tweeze...not pluck, plucking is for chickens) away the brow hairs we don't want, in the direction in which they are growing. By tweezing in the direction the hair grows, you are eliminating most of the pain associated with pulling individual hairs. My Tweezers are made of the finest steel and are designed to lay flat against the skin to pull from the root, not to break the hair on the surface.
3. Cut Slowly
The Damone Roberts Brow Scissors are made with a slight curve on the end. This is designed so you cut only on top of the brow, and not into the brow, which would cause the brow hairs to stick out. Slowly cut from the end of the brow to the front of the brow, only the hairs that are above your natural brow line. Note: The hairs should all be standing above the natural line after applying The Damone Roberts Clear Brow Gel.
Hopefully these three basic tips will carry you a little further until we get back to some sense of normalcy. I miss you all madly and can't wait to see my peeps again. Please stay safe, wear a mask, and wash your hands.
Because Every Face Deserves The Perfect Frame,
Damone's Ultimate Guide to Maintaining Your Brows During Quarantine
/My Beloved Damonettes,
I have been getting so many messages from all of you on how to maintain your brows during this quarantine. Many are doing video calls for work, and many just want to look decent not only for their families, but also for themselves (#selfcare). Bearing in mind the importance of not messing up the brows (especially when we’ve worked so hard to get them to perfection), I’ve come up with a few basic tricks to help in the interim until we can get our hands on your faces again.
1. Mind the Gap
Tweeze the stray hairs between both eyebrows with The Damone Roberts Tweezers, not plucking more than an inch of space between the brows in the process.
Pro Tip: The farther apart one creates space between the two brows, the more your eyes appear smaller, your nose bigger, and your face rounder. You want to “mind the gap” to have bigger eyes, a stronger nose, and higher cheekbones. There’s a method to this madness.
2. Trimming The Length
Brush all of your brow hairs upward towards the hairline, preferably with our Damone Roberts Clear Brow Gel which will hold them in place. Then take your Damone Roberts Eyebrow Scissors and trim just the extra length above the actual brow.
Pro Tip: You want the tip of the scissors pointed towards the nose as you trim each eyebrow, going from the outside inward.
3. Tweezing The Basics
Take out stray eyebrow hairs underneath only, avoiding plucking into the actual shape. Basically you are getting rid of the hairs low on the lid, and avoiding getting too close to the arch, or the end of the actual eyebrow.
Pro Tip: Stretch your skin as you tweeze to cause less pain, and always tweeze out in the direction in which the hair grows.
4. The Art of Camouflaging
The beauty of our Brow Highlighters is that they not only lift the brow bone to open the eye, but they are amazing at hiding stray brow hairs and new growth. You simply draw under the brow, and blend downward towards the eye with our Highlighter Smudge Brush and prepare to be amazed.
Pro Tip: Pink-A-Boo works best for fair to medium complexions, while Peach For The Stars works best for medium to dark complexions. All our highlighters can also be used as an eyeshadow base, or concealer. They sharpen best with our Metal Duo Sharpener.